Nuno Grave Engenharia is a company dedicated exclusively to the execution of engineering projects, Construction Supervision/Management of Works and Consultancy. The company was founded in 2009, by its managing partner, Engineer Nuno Grave.
Engineer Nuno Grave was born in Lagos and there he did all his primary, preparatory and secondary schooling, after which he entered higher education at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco in 1996, where in 2002 he completed his degree in civil engineering in the structures branch.
He started his professional activity as a structural project designer with his older brother, also a civil engineer, with whom he collaborated until 2005. The experience acquired during this period and his love for projects led him to start an independent path in engineering. In 2009 he founded Nuno Grave - Engenharia, Lda, with several associated collaborators, which allowed him, in a sustained and consistent manner, to consolidate an image of rigour and quality in the services provided.
Nuno Grave - Engenharia, Lda, has a team of engineers with multidisciplinary capabilities, scaled to the conditions required by the market. The team is young, ambitious and eager to acquire new technical knowledge which allows us to present our clients with the best solutions. As a result of our vocation for the general coordination of engineering projects and supervision/management of works, Nuno Grave - Engenharia, Lda, defines itself as a comprehensive response to the needs of clients, as a single interlocutor between the architect and the client, making the process of management and coordination simpler and more competent.
Nuno Grave - Engenharia, Lda, aware of its local and regional influence, faces each project, regardless of its dimension or complexity, always in a committed and very close and personal way with its clients, in a relationship based on commitment to its obligations and the ethics of its activity. Part of our mission is the commitment to technical evolution in the search for new knowledge in the field of engineering and also the suitability to evolve with the different legislation applicable to the exercise of engineering in Portugal.
In the near future, Nuno Grave - Engenharia, Lda, intends to continue to evolve and grow, so as to contribute to local and regional engineering with a cooperative and proactive attitude with all the intervening agents in the project and construction phases, so that the result of our action may always contribute to the achievement of our clients' objectives.